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St. Bernardine Surgery Center


Phone (909) 886-6911
Mobile (909) 991-7643 - Mobile
Fax (909) 886-5466 - Fax
Address 1869 N Waterman Ave,
San Bernardino, CA 92404 United States


An ambulatory treatment center that specializes in office based interventional pain management, state of the art and medically accepted modern treatment of varicose veins and other vein problems, we use Cooltouch CTEV for large varicosities and 1064nm Lyra/532Aura as well as sclerotherapy for smaller vein problems. We also have extensive experience in minimally invasive cosmetic procedures such as microlaserpeels using erbium lasers (Venus and Fotona) facial rejuvenation, cosmoceuticals, Botox Cosmetics, acne and acne scars using cosmoceuticals, blue/clear lights. We accept all forms of payments and most insurances pay for pain management and endolaser procedures. We offer free consultation for cash patients plus free skin analysis with VISIA by Canfield (google it) with commitment to any of our treatments. We can be reach via voice mail 24/7 at 909 991 7643.

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